Monday, October 21, 2019

Renaisance essays

Renaisance essays The Renaissance was a period of rebirth in the arts. Yet this does not suggest that the new techniques and styles came directly from this period but rather an integration of old methods and new. This resulted in realistic, vivid, and emotional portals in works of art. Such example is the engraving titled Adam and Eve by Albrecht Drer. It was created in c1504 during the Renaissance period. Throughout this period the ideas formed were expressed in music, the arts, and literature. Drer was a religious man like many of the Early Renaissance Artists. This engraving shows the event when Adam and Even ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. In the beginning many people were still illiterate and could not decipher the bible by themselves. So many portraits were made to become a visual bible. This black and white engraving depicts when Eve breaks off a branch from the Forbidden Tree, and Adam is outstretching his hand to accept the fruit. They are lying against the tree while the Four animals assembled around the tree. The animals are the cat, ox, rabbit, and elk. They represent the medieval idea of the four temperaments, which were the four bodily fluids that determined ones essence; their soul and destiny. Drer portrays Adam and Eve rather realistically which corresponds with the Renaissance idea of humanism. Renaissance artists decided to go back to the Greek and Roman methods of art but with a mixture of secular and religious theme. Adam and Eve are sculpted in the round, figure appears to be able to be viewed 360degrees across. Drer extensively used the concept of perspective, the representation of solid objects into the deception that they are actually three dimensional. An example in the engraving is how the trees and house farther away from the Tree ...

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